the process

1. secure financing

Unless you’re able to pay cash for your new home, you’ll likely need financing to build your home. Depending on whether you’re building a semi-custom or custom home, the financing you’ll need could look very different. A custom home might require up to three separate loans if you’re buying land, paying for construction, and getting a mortgage. Construction loans are typically short-term loans that last anywhere from six to 18 months, and these loans only cover construction — not the land or the mortgage.

2. Plans approval

Building Plan Approval means the statutory approval or sanction on the plans / drawings of a building by the competent local authority, which is required as a pre- condition to initiate construction work of the said building.

3. sign contract

The new home sales contract is a legal, binding document that spells out the terms of your home’s construction, such as the projected closing date, payment deadlines and customization decisions, responsibility for expenses, and each party’s obligations. The document is designed to protect you as well as Top Hat Builders.

4. site prep

When deciding where to place your custom-built house, consider the location of the utility connections, road location, driveway placement, and power lines. If you haven’t already done a site survey, doing this can help you determine where to place your home. Preparing your build site might include getting rid of trees and shrubs, rocks, tree roots, and clearing away any rubble. Depending on your land, we may need to level the area. Much depends on how much clearing, grading, compacting, and excavating needs to be done, this step could take a week or two depending on the severity.

5. after foundation

Here’s where you’ll begin to see the rough shape of your house taking form. In the first few weeks of breaking ground, Top Hat Builders will take on the “three Fs” — footings, foundation, and framing. Top Hat Builders will pour the footings and walls for your home’s foundation. Next, framing will be laid out. The frame of a house is its skeleton. You will at this time be able to see where the windows and doors will be placed. If your build has multiple levels, floors will be distinguishable, as well.
Since this step is the major structural heavy lifting to construct the framework, you can expect several home inspections during this phase and municipal officials will need to give clearance on the foundation before your builder can proceed. Barring a barrage of bad weather, this process could take about 4-6 weeks depending on the size of the home.

6. selection

While the first few months were dedicated to the foundation and skeleton of your home, the next few months are all about bringing the final stages to life. Top Hat Builders will focus on insulating the home before drywall is installed. After drywall is installed and finished we will start to install the trim package for the home. The outside is starting to shape up as well, with brickwork, stucco, or stone being installed, siding being applied, and the rain gutters getting added. If your build includes a back deck or a front porch, these will likely be constructed now, as well. Once the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems are installed and the plumbing and electrical systems are functional, there will be another municipal inspection. After trim is finished the painting process will start Expect this phase to 6 weeks.

7. installation

There will be a final flurry of activity as electricians, plumbers, and construction workers buzz around your home, installing light fixtures, faucets, bathtubs, toilets, sinks, countertops, and appliances. Carpeting, tile, and other flooring might also be installed if they weren’t previously. The driveway and walkways will be poured, and finally, exterior doors will be installed. When you see the front door on your home, you know it’s almost done — the doors are typically saved for last to minimize damage as heavy materials are carried into your home and put into place. You will also see grass, shrubs, and trees added during this final stage. This stage might take up to 4 weeks.

8. home inspection

Once your home is complete, the building officials will conduct their final inspection. If they’re happy with the final product, they’ll issue a certificate of occupancy. This is also a great time to start the blue tape walkthrough, Then we can flag any issues so you can create a thorough “punch list” of items you want Top Hat Builders to fix.
Feel free to look over the house yourself and note any defects, dents, or scratches you’d like the builder to address. Check the fit and finish of the doors and windows to make sure they open and close smoothly and test the faucets to make sure the water pressure and temperature controls are to your liking.
Finally, your lender will appraise your new home and prep you for final end loan and closing. The final inspections and appraisal should take anywhere from one to two weeks.

finally, you will have A true custom home.